Love Our Teachers: Graphics
As part of the Love Our Teachers Campaign, each week new graphics will be available for public use. These graphics are especially good for your social media use. Let's fill our social channels with positive messages showing appreciation for our area teachers.
Please include #loveourteachers in your posts.
To use a graphic, double click the image. When it opens, right-click on the image and choose "save as" to save to your computer.
Week of 11/23/2020 & 11/30/20
Teaching is love in its purist form. #loveourteachers
“If you have to put someone on a pedestal, put teachers. They are society’s heroes.” – Guy Kawasaki #loveourteachers
This year is tough, but our Stone County teachers are tougher! We appreciate you more than words could ever say. #loveourteachers
Week of 11/16/2020
"A good teacher can inspire hope; ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” – Brad Henry #loveourteachers
Thank you is not enough for our Stone County teachers, but it's where we'll start! THANK YOU!! #loveourteachers
“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.” – Confucius #loveourteachers
Week of 11/9/2020
“Not all superheroes have capes, some have Teaching Degrees.” Author Unknown #loveourteachers
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” William Butler Yeats #loveourteachers
Thank you Stone County teachers for being rays of sunshine on even the toughest days! #loveourteachers
Week of 11/2/2020

One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world #loveourteachers
There are not words enough to show our appreciation to the fantastic teachers at our Stone County schools, but we'll start with THANK YOU! #loveourteachers
“Anyone who does anything to help a child in his life is a hero to me.” – Fred Rogers (Mister Rogers) #loveourteachers
Week of 10/26/2020
During these uncertain times, teachers show up each day to help our community's children not just learn but feel safe too. #loveourteachers
A teacher's impact is felt long after students leave the classroom. #loveourteachers
To teachers everywhere, we know this year is hard. We appreciate you and are grateful that you keep doing the hard work. #loveourteachers
Week of 10/19/2020
Teachers, during these challenging times we're sending you a virtual hug. #loveourteachers
Sending a shout out to our area teachers. Thanks for showing up for Stone County kids! #loveourteachers
Stone County is a great place to live, work, and play. One big reason for this is our awesome teachers you'll find in our area schools. #loveourteachers
Week of 10/12/2020
We could not do what we do each day without great teachers! #loveourteachers
Tag a teacher who's making a difference in the lives of children each day. #loveourteachers
Teaching isn't just a job, its a calling. We appreciate all who have been called to educate the kids of our community. #loveourteachers
Week of 10/5/2020
Thank you to all the teachers and school staff in Stone County! We appreciate you. Stone County wouldn't be the same without you. #loveourteachers
Sending a virtual hug to all educators. We love you! #loveourteachers
Teachers are important! Thank you for investing in our kids each day. #loveourteachers